The Twenty Day Challenge – Part Two

Day Six

Activity: Children’s Week celebrations at parkrun. Which means parkrun with hubby, my mum, and all five kids. (5km walked with a 17+kg toddler on my back)

Effort required: 2/10 I’d effectively made myself accountable to everyone since I said we were all going and told my mum I would pick her up. 

Mood beforehand: 5/10 I was happy enough but I was getting a bit frustrated that it wasn’t all going the way I wanted it to, like people being ready to leave at the time I wanted to leave. 

Mood afterwards: 8/10 (partly influenced by having child free time after lol) it was good to get out there, get parkrun done and with a 3yo on my back at that! 


Day Seven

I forgot. I’ll blame it on weird reaction to a food I tried plus I usually have Sunday as my rest day. 

Back to it tomorrow. 

Day Eight

Activity: Cycling. 5.5km in just under 15mins. 

Effort to get out there: 4/10. I really wanted to do it, but between hooking up the bike rack, getting the bike on, driving there, getting the bike off.. Then doing it all again to get home, my 15min bike ride took over an hour, and that doesn’t include getting my cycling gear on or showering afterwards. 

Mood beforehand: 6/10. Ok. A bit deflated because I’ve re-aggravated my plantar faciitis issues and so I can’t run for the time being. 

Mood afterwards: 8/10. That was my longest single-stretch ride to date. Hoping for two laps next week. 

Day Nine

Activity: Walking. It was supposed to be a walk with a friend, but she had to cancel as she had a sick kid and that kind of worked for me because I had a lot to do. So instead of moving the car around to my different errands, I walked between them, clocking up about 2km (officially 1.9 in 20min19sec but I walked about 300m before I started tracking it). 

Mood beforehand: 5/10 a bit stressed about all I had to do, really. 

Mood afterwards: 6.5/10 relieved that I got my tasks done and got to exercise with some time to spare, but it’s not the ideal way to get the exercise-induced endorphins flowing. Better than nothing though!


Day Ten

Activity: Walk with my friend. About 2.5km in just shy of 30mins. 

Effort required: 2/10 It meant swapping chores with Mark for one I don’t like. 

Mood beforehand: 7/10 pretty good. I’d had a bad start to the day but got everything done from my initially overwhelming to do list. 

Mood afterwards: 8/10 our exercise buddies are our best psychologists!


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